The rasterbator allows you to create posters larger than a standard page, using the tiled printing method. It will rasterize any image and output files that can be printed at home and reassemble to the original image. Inspired by the original rasterbator application.
Select your image
Compatibility warning: This app has been developed using new web technologies to increase performance and save server costs. Not all browsers support these technologies yet. Please switch to Chrome if you are having issues.
Page setup
Set the desired size of a single tile and the amount of tiles that you want to print. Choose "Custom" to use specific dimesnions. Keep in mind that your image will be scaled to fill all tiles, so make sure that you provide a high resolution image.
Tile dimensions
Tile count
This is how your rasterbation will look like in relation to a standard door (2m / 80in high).
If you are happy with your rasterbation, download the rasterized image tiles. Export may takes a few seconds, depending on your page setup. Make sure that you have sufficent memory available, otherwise the export may not work properly.
Export to PDF if you want to directly pass this rasterbation to your printer. Each page will contain an image tile at maximum quality.
Create PDFExport to JPG if you want to continue working on the image tiles. You will get a ZIP file containing uncompressed JPG files and assemble instructions.
Create JPGs